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How has Chapel been transported to a mysterious island named Catan? Since it’s a medieval village, must she drink mead in a tavern? Do the chickens violate Diana Wynne Jones’ rules from The Tough Guide to Fantasyland?

Chapel had to say “Aye” because she whips out a Spyglass from Nowhere and because I adore pirates. At least the pirates in my favorite manga series, One Piece, by Eichiiro Oda. Chapel has worn Nico Robin’s Straw Hat in prior strips and I personally own many ebay acquired One Piece items (Luffy hat, Luffy earbuds, tee-shirts, action figures . . .)

The title of this strip is a reference to the BBC drama “Lark Rise to Candleford,” which I mentioned in A Chobits Catastrophe. The main cast are the same 25 actors you see in the “too many to name drop” shows like Downton Abbey, Doctor Who, and Bleakity Bleak House.
Aw these are really adorable comics!

love em!
Kanna maru 7/5/12 reply
Wow, I'm glad! Thank you so much!
7/22/12 reply
Emma, are the weekly livestreams going to happen? Just curious, I remember we all liked the idea...
Harry Potter PWNS ALL 7/5/12 reply
Yeah, that'd be fun.
blaidd gwael 7/5/12 reply
Happy 4th of July!
7/4/12 reply
oh yeah! Happy 4th! (^^)
7/4/12 reply
whooooaaaaa!!!! The new design looks great!!!
7/4/12 reply
and the new font is really cute too!! yay!
7/4/12 reply
I love all the new little icons! I also LOVE the colors! Blue and green go pretty well together...
7/4/12 reply
I'm so glad you like it! Yes, they're nice colors, aren't they?
7/22/12 reply
nice work - especially like the way the sun washes past chapel in the last panel.
peter 7/3/12 reply
Yay, I'm SO happy you picked up on that! It was a neat effet to do.
7/22/12 reply
WHOA. THAT was a shock. xD

I like it though, it looks nice!
7/3/12 reply
what about your tumblr?
7/3/12 reply
I mean to say that how do we get to it?
7/3/12 reply
Also, I'm going to be sending you an email in a second so watch out for it!
7/3/12 reply
Oh, there's a link to it on the links page! It's!
7/3/12 reply
This is soooooooooooooo awesome! I love the new design!
7/3/12 reply
Yay, thank you! :D
7/22/12 reply
Omigosh! I totally super duper really absolutely LOVE this new website! You are truly an excellent genius for thinking up this one!!!! (^^)
7/3/12 reply
OMG!!!! I'm seriously amazed by this!!!! I love all the new colors!!!!
7/3/12 reply
Wow, THANK YOU! I worked hard on it, so I'm glad you like it!
7/22/12 reply
SURPRISE! Notice something a little different on the website today...?
7/2/12 reply
Hey, I like the changes.
blaidd gwael 7/2/12 reply
I'm so glad!
7/3/12 reply
Love it!
7/3/12 reply
i LOVE this website's layout so much! even better than your old one!
7/2/12 reply
Thanks, I'm glad you like it! I decided it was time for a change, so I took it upon myself to redesign it!
7/3/12 reply
WELL NOW! i like this format so much more! did you do this Miss Emma? Or was it your dad or some one else made this for you?
7/2/12 reply
I designed and drew the entirety of the new layout, then my dad coded it for me. Basically I decided how I wanted it all to look, though!
7/2/12 reply
It's funny I was checking the new about page and while reading the top part I thought - It would be cool if she were to add a cast page. . .

and then I scrolled down.
blaidd gwael 7/2/12 reply
Yup, I thought it was time to add a cast section on the new "about" page! XD
7/3/12 reply
7/3/12 reply
Ah, Sir Fred of Fredville... A cunning and tenacious foe indeed! :)

I've heard of Settlers of Catan, but never actually played it.
Looks interesting :)
7/1/12 reply
I love your name XD
7/2/12 reply
I love your name too :)
7/2/12 reply
An awesome screen name can go a long way, as I know all too well. ;-)
7/2/12 reply
It is a quest that begins the first time you need one and for many it never ends. The lucky find one unique to themselves and awesome in its own right. Dr. Taxil here certainly appears to be among this group.
blaidd gwael 7/2/12 reply
I've had many names before, sometimes changing to one I liked better or simply taking on a new name to avoid someone by appearing to be someone else, like some kind of digital chameleon, hehe.

I'd like to think I was the first person to use this name, but I very much doubt it :(

Still, it seems to be rare enough that I think I can get away with using it anyway.
It fits me quite well I think, better than all the previous names I've gone by. I'd like to hang onto this one if I can :)
7/3/12 reply
I have been here for awhile, but i think that you (technomancer) are the first one to use that handle.
7/3/12 reply
I use it on a couple of other forums too :)
I doubt I'm the first one to use it, but like I said, it seems rarely used enough for me to get away with keeping it :)

And I like it. Being a freelance technomancer in my spare time, hehe ;)
7/5/12 reply
7/3/12 reply
Good lord what 24 hours will do to you. ><

For those who saw the news, a nightmarish ultra storm just tore up the east coast. It dropped twisters right into the heart of my hometown. thankfully no one died (as far i know) here where i live. but an entire super mall was wrecked from it. I lost power for 24 hours and the temps are hitting 100 degrees. i just got it back about an hour ago.

has anyone else been though the storm and can say what they seen?
7/1/12 reply
Man, I really should pay more attention to the news. That sounds horrible. Good wishes and Good Luck to anybody on the east coast.
blaidd gwael 7/1/12 reply
Yes, oh gosh, I wish you good luck
7/1/12 reply
Thanks, I'll need it and so will over 4 million of others over here that lost power.

Bad news form me: i have three down trees/ tree branches in three diffrent properties that i own that i have to saw up and dispose of. one of them wrecked a fence of mine. the last time i checked, half of my properties still are with out power.

good news from me: no real damage to any of my properties other wise. all of my people are accounted for and are fine.

still not out of this mess yet, but they are starting to look up.
7/1/12 reply
I'm on the east coast! Luckily, though, the storm like, split into two right before it hit us and all we got was some thunder and lightning.
But I went into Maryland yesterday to help out at a lacrosse tournament and as we were driving down from PA, oh my gosh trees were down EVERYWHERE!!!
7/2/12 reply
DC is still out of power. Up the street from me, a neighbor of mine had a huge 100 year old tree get knocked completely over, crushed a car and pulled down some power lines. it's STILL in the street but we can't get near it due to those lines.

there are still around 40k people in my county alone with out power and it seems they won't get it back till this Sunday.

for those who have not exprienced this, count your blessings. It could happen to you at any time, so you should prepare your self before hand.
7/2/12 reply
Where I live, we had some horrible winds, at the end of last year in December, that took down trees and took out the power for several days for a lot of people in our town and many neighboring ones. I'd imagine what happened on the east coast is probably a heck of a lot worse and certainly affecting a much larger area, but knowing how bad it was for a lot of people here with what we had I can only imagine what it's like there. We only had somewhere around 25K people without power, if I remember correctly.
blaidd gwael 7/2/12 reply
Yay! Settlers of Catan!
I love the way this strip looks. Are you using a new technique? I like how it almost looks like a painting, especially the first panel. :)
6/30/12 reply
I used a different technique specifically for this strip to give it an old-timey feel! I don't normally use this brush on Chapel but I decided it was necessary for the vibe on this comic...I'm so glad you noticed it and like it, I think it turned out very well!
6/30/12 reply
You're right, it does make it look old fashioned. I really like it.
6/30/12 reply
You've done a fantastic job at getting that feel across. :)
blaidd gwael 6/30/12 reply
Btw, what was up with the site last night? Was it down or was that just me?
blaidd gwael 6/30/12 reply
No, it was down! The server that this site is built on unexpectedly crashed last night -- there wasn't anything we could do about it, sadly. I'm just glad it's back up now!
6/30/12 reply
Hey, stuff happens. At least it wasn't early friday afternoon or we (all your fans) might have had to actually wait a day for this week's comic. :)
blaidd gwael 6/30/12 reply
If you've seen the news today, many, many sites were down because of an east coast storm that knocked out a bunch of Amazon servers -- that affected famous sites such as: pinterest, netflix, instagram, and chapelchronicles!
6/30/12 reply
I heard about that!
7/1/12 reply
I'm so glad you think so! It's wonderful that you think I accomplished that vibe. :)
6/30/12 reply
I'm glad you like it so much and I'm really happy I was able to communicate that vibe/emotion! I'm constantly impressed by how astute my readers are when it comes to noticing these things...
6/30/12 reply
She's playing Settlers of Catan! I figured that out immediately. I love that game, even though I generally lose. ;)
6/30/12 reply
Ah, I don't play it very often, but I'm fairly good at it when I do...possibly just because my parents always get frustrated halfway through the game!
6/30/12 reply
Never in my life! Huh!
6/30/12 reply
REALLY? It's very famous! That's surprising, you should play it sometime...
6/30/12 reply
go get yourself a copy of it, and all the expantion packs too. it's worth your while.
7/1/12 reply
The main game is DEFINITELY worth it. We have the seafarers expansion, which while still a great game, doesn't seem to be quite as good as the main game by itself. I do not know if that holds true for the other expansions.
blaidd gwael 7/1/12 reply
the merchants and barbarian expansion pack is a good add on to the game IMO. that and the bigger playing pool expansion is practicaly a necessity.

i swear that Catan is so good, it's a matter of time before someone makes a live action movie out of it.
7/2/12 reply
Well, with all those board game movies that have been coming out. . . .
blaidd gwael 7/2/12 reply
If they do make it into a movie, i pray to God they don't mess it up. ><
7/2/12 reply
The prayer of every fan of every book that has ever been made into a movie.

They'd probably try to make it an action movie. . .
blaidd gwael 7/2/12 reply
Me too!
coco 7/1/12 reply
Chapel is playing yet another board game with Fred! And she is probably about to lose...
coco 6/30/12 reply
Aha, it looks like you're guessing it...whoops! But still, you'll have to see next week's strip to get the FULL story!
6/30/12 reply
It'd be a fun twist if she managed to win this one, but it would destroy that "Fred always beats Chapel" thing you had/have going.
blaidd gwael 7/2/12 reply
My dad plays Settlers of Catan... BTW sorry I haven't been commenting, I have been pretty busy...
6/29/12 reply
It's fine! And I'm so happy to hear that your dad plays Catan, it's a fantastic you ever play it?
6/30/12 reply
I have not.... do you think I should?
7/1/12 reply
It is probably at least worth trying. Not everything is everyones cup of tea of course :)
blaidd gwael 7/1/12 reply
No idea what's going on, but I'm sure it'll be fun! :P
6/29/12 reply
There'll only be two strips in this short you have any theories as to what's happening?
6/29/12 reply
Nope. :D
6/30/12 reply
Ah well...better that it's kept a mystery, at least for some!
6/30/12 reply
I love Catan, one heck of a fantastic game. I'm betting Fred wins this one too, judging by the size of those cities. I wonder if anyone else thought the 60 minute game time approximation was a bit shy of reality .
blaidd gwael 6/29/12 reply
60 minute time approximation? I didn't know about that! My Catan games tend to go long, though, because I construct elaborate multi-part trades in order to get the supplies I's not the fastest or easiest strategy, but it works well for me!
6/29/12 reply
Yeah, my games go long as well (for the same reason), however, on the side of the box it gives 60 minutes as the approximate time to play the game. I've only played maybe two games that were anywhere near that time frame.
blaidd gwael 6/29/12 reply
Ahh! Catan, my favorit board game! i guess Fred just build blocked Chapel now. >)
6/29/12 reply
Ah, you guessed it! (Or did you?) I love Catan, so I'm so pleased it's your favorite board game! What makes it your favorite?
6/29/12 reply
it's a more mature board game than most of the ones i played as a kid, and unlike monopoly, you can FINISH a game of Catan.
7/1/12 reply
Well, I think the biggest thing is that, unlike monopoly where one person pulls ahead and it is essentially over, in catan you can come from behind quite easily with a few good rolls in your favor and a bit of strategy. Catan has the right balance of luck and strategy, I think.
blaidd gwael 7/1/12 reply
7/1/12 reply
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