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Superheroes can wear strange costumes nowadays, so it’s no wonder Chapel might mistake Barnaby’s scrubs for a superhero costume…except they’re quite obviously hospital scrubs! And everyone knows what scrubs look like, don’t they? Because there a ridiculous number of television shows about doctors on TV. Chapel doesn’t watch much TV, however, and her mom wears a long white doctor’s coat over regular clothes to the hospital. So Chapel thinks everyone in the hospital wears that uniform. And if you look at it from Chapel’s perspective, she makesa pretty reasonable assumption. Besides, Chapel was preoccupied with her fabulous outfits! Are any of you guys familiar with the characters Chapel’s cosplaying in this comic? Well, I hope at least everyone knows the first one!

The answer to last week's trivia question: “Cruel and Unusual Punishment”, from last season.

This strip will be a two-parter, so you’ll see some more costume fun next week! And well, looks like after all the hullabaloo, Barnaby’s finally off to his first shift at the hospital!

What costumes do you predict Chapel will wear in the second part of this strip? Leave a guess below! What are YOUR favorite and least favorite superhero costumes?
Scrubs. Best. Hospital. Programme. EVER. Nuff said.
8/9/12 reply
I wouldn't want to be TOO certain on this, but I'm pretty sure that - outside of comedic TV shows - you don't wear your scrubs outside of the hospital. If you're going to be in the OR, you try to avoid having them uncovered outside of it, too.

(The whole idea is preventing cross contamination - either outside dirt coming in, or inside mess being tracked out... When I was working in only -slightly- clean-room conditions (diagnostic scanning), your "work gear" stayed on-site unless you were having it laundered, and you got changed into it when you arrived...)
tahrey 7/17/12 reply
Oh don't worry, I knew about that! I just chose to bend the laws of reality a little in order to have an effective comic. Thanks for pointing it out, though!
7/22/12 reply
Wow. I understand that Chapel has never watched TV, but her mother's, well, A DOCTOR, so wouldn't she have been to a hospital at some point?
This one is HILARIOUS!! Great work as usual!
6/23/12 reply
You would think that Chapel would go to a hospital sometime, for sure...guess not!
7/22/12 reply
Wonder Woman! Is she in comics? I've only watched the TV show :)
coco 6/21/12 reply
Wonder woman is awesome!!!! And yes, I believe she's in comics... (^^)
6/21/12 reply
Chapel would be funny in a Wonder Woman costume!! And yes, she ROCKS!!
coco 6/21/12 reply
Well, there was a Wonder Woman costume, as you can see! And yes of course, WW came from comics originally!
7/22/12 reply
My bet's on THE GREEN CAPE like the song!
6/20/12 reply
Hmm, I'm not familiar with the Green Cape!
7/22/12 reply
Hi! First of all, sorry that i am commenting so much! second, are these the same strips that are in the books, or is the book a seperate series of comics?
6/19/12 reply
These are the same comics that are in the book -- but the book has some special features you can ONLY get in the book version! And also, NEVER apologize for commenting so much -- I love reading your comments and getting to know you, please, keep commenting! :)
6/19/12 reply
6/19/12 reply
Hey guys, I've noticed there's a lot of new commenters on this site whose usernames I haven't seen before! I'm dying to know where you came from, so please tell me -- did you just discover my comic? And if so, how did you find it? Thanks a lot!
6/18/12 reply
HI! I've never commented before, but I found out about you from Stone Soup. I watched the video of you illustrating a story. I thought you were very talented, so I went to this site! I'm only 10, but I love to write stories and cartoon also!
6/19/12 reply
That's so weird, I came the same way! I'd long been an Emma Capps fan, and when I watched that same video I found this website and fell in love immediately! It's strange how people of all ages (I'm 14!) an backgrounds come together from Stone Soup...
6/19/12 reply
Ha Ha!! I had no idea that Emma was a cartoonist before!
6/19/12 reply
EXACT same for me! despite the age (i'm 12)
coco 6/20/12 reply
I came the same way as well. Sorry if I've said that before, I tend to lose track of what I have and haven't said in comment boards. (I'm the same age as Ellie.)
6/23/12 reply
What format do you use for making your comic books? Is there a certain website that you use? You must be a genius if you use Microsoft Word!!!
6/18/12 reply
I don't use Microsoft Word -- in fact, I don't know any comic artists who do! Some cartoonists do all their work traditionally, but I do a mixture. I draw and ink my comics with traditional pens, then I scan them in and format and color them in a program called Photoshop CS5. The format of the comics is one I created myself. As far as I know, there are very few pre-made formats or websites that do an adequate job -- almost every cartoonist I've spoken with does their own formatting. If you want a more detailled answer or a step-by-step tutorial, let me know!
6/18/12 reply
How about peanuts characters or Garfield?
6/18/12 reply
Hm...cute idea for later on, but I'm doing superheroes for this set!
6/18/12 reply
Oh. Would the Incredible Hulk be considered a superhero?
6/18/12 reply
I don't know if he is in comics though. I only read peanuts, garfield, and baby blues!
6/18/12 reply
Yup, he's in comics! And yes, those are very good comics to read -- you have good taste.
6/18/12 reply
I see, you might want to try out other comics Miss Sallie. The net has a wide varity of them free to read. My personal favs are (other than Chapel here) "Guilded Age", "Dominic Deegan", "Modest Medusa", "Girl of the Wild's" (that is a Koren web comic, but they do make a translated verion of it) and "Weregeek" to name a few. try them out, you might like them. ^^
6/19/12 reply
Yes -- but I'll give you a hint, that's not one of the ones Chapel dresses up as! ;-)
6/18/12 reply
Well I'm counting on a Dr. Who costume...
Dean 6/18/12 reply
Well, we're sticking to costumes of comic book a Doctor Who costume isn't going to be included in the roster...probably in some later strip I can include it!
6/18/12 reply
Someone from Harry potter?
6/18/12 reply
No...just comic book characters!
6/18/12 reply
Oh! I hope you put someone from the Avengers!!!! They Are AWESOME!!!!
6/19/12 reply
Well, as i look back over this week's comic. i felt nostalgic and it took me back in my memories my youth. This is not a confession to the world (my friends and family already know about it), but to you all.

Years ago back when Otakon and Kastuscon were new, i cos-played back then. I didn't have my beard back then, but i cosplayed as a OK cloud strife i guess. I had my buster sword made out wood and it was heavy. ><

I know most of you kids in here where not even BORN when i did it, but there are still a few pics of me floating around the net of me cosplaying. but you'll have to find them your self. ;-)
6/18/12 reply
That's so cool! I'm not going to hunt for the photos, but that's such a cute story -- thank you for sharing that!
6/18/12 reply
Cloud Strife wasn't the only cosplay I did. I also did one of the world's biggest DBZ hair. i swear it was over a story tall, thank god the place the con was being held at had high cellings. ^^;;;;
6/19/12 reply
I just read your "Seventeen Across" story on the stone soup website....It just so happened that the one issue with that story is the issue i don't have! Anyways, GREAT story! And actually, you read it out loud nicely (i listened to you read it!)!
coco 6/18/12 reply
I'm SO glad you like it, and I'm super flattered that you listened to the audio recording, as well. I love reading out loud so I'm pleased you enjoyed it! What was your favorite part about the story?
6/18/12 reply
Oh my goodness, Seventeen of my favorite stories of yours, Emma! I do have that issue and reread it ALL THE TIME ;)
6/18/12 reply
Wow, I'm so flattered! Thank you!!
6/18/12 reply
Well, I think when they met...or the burning bread!
coco 6/18/12 reply
Oh, I'm glad you liked those parts! They're some of my favorite scenes.
6/18/12 reply
I'm going to submit a story to Stone Soup soon... Wish me luck! Oh, and i will be illustrating my work!
coco 6/18/12 reply
I'll DEFINITELY wish you luck! If you ever want me to read your story/look at your drawings, feel free to email me!
6/18/12 reply
I shall email it to you! Be warned though, it is about 17 pages long with the double spacing Stone Soup requires for submishions... Can i email it to you in a atached file? i think it's a .doc
coco 6/20/12 reply
Yes, of course, that's totally fine! And 17 pages double spaced is no problem, I read super quickly. I'm so excited to read it!
6/20/12 reply
I sent it to the etc email...that ok?
coco 6/21/12 reply
Yup! I received it already, but haven't had a chance to read through it yet -- I'll email you back when I do! I can tell it's going to be a GREAT story, I glanced at the beginning and I love the premise!
6/21/12 reply
Oh, thank you!!
coco 6/22/12 reply
Hey, I'm re-sending you the story because I changed it around a bit!
6/27/12 reply
Pleeeaaassseee have another Chapel drawing contest! I just found out about The Chapel Chronicles recently so I was a bit late for the one you had a while ago. Pleeeeaaaassssseeee!!!!
6/18/12 reply
I didn't get too many submissions last time -- but if there's enough interest, I'll definitely do another one! Would anyone else want to enter? Basically it's a contest of who can draw Chapel the best!
6/18/12 reply
OOOOOH! I want to particapate!
coco 6/18/12 reply
MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Please do another contest!
6/18/12 reply
Sounds Awesome!
6/18/12 reply
Would we be able to mail our submissions to you? I don't have a scanner or any thing to get my submission on my computer. But I would LOVE to enter!
6/18/12 reply
I do have a P.O. box, but you could always take a photo and email it -- that's faster! Either way that works for you though!
6/18/12 reply
Awesome! I could take a photo easily. Thanks!
6/18/12 reply
No problem -- thank YOU for considering possibly entering a contest! Since it seems like there's so much interest, I'll let you know when I've posted official rules and deadlines -- and there WILL be a prize!
6/18/12 reply
Yeah!! I'll participate too!!!
6/19/12 reply
What would the prize be?
6/19/12 reply
ooh! I'd totally participate in a contest like that! you should do it!
6/19/12 reply
6/18/12 reply
That sounds great, but um, how would we submit it? Other than that, That would be so cool!
6/18/12 reply
We would email it to her! I emailed her fanart twice!
6/18/12 reply
Yup, my email is below on the "Contact Us" link!
6/18/12 reply
I love this! My favorite comic of yours is still Dumbledore Voodoo!
6/17/12 reply
I'm glad you like it! What about Dumbledore Voodoo makes it your fave?
6/18/12 reply
Probably just that the same happens to me all the time!
6/18/12 reply
Sorry, I had my sister comment back for me. My name is LILY. NOT Maddy
6/18/12 reply
Ha ha, it's okay, no problem!
6/18/12 reply
So you dress up as Dumbledore when you can't find anything? ;-)
6/18/12 reply
Ha Ha! No!!!
6/19/12 reply
I love her hair in the Phoenix costume, that'd be a pain to do, but it looks awesome!
6/17/12 reply
Thanks, I'm so glad you like it! I think it looks great on her, don't you? :)
6/18/12 reply
Yeah, it does suit her, kinda reminds me of the "hair monster" comic, too.
6/19/12 reply
Congrats on your dog, Emma! What did you name it?
6/17/12 reply
Oh. Never mind on the name part...
But still, that's do awesome!!!! (^^)
6/17/12 reply
Thank you! I'm SO excited to have her!
6/18/12 reply
Yeah, I looked up daisy dogs and they look cute! They must be a great dog to have, not messing with your dad's allergies. (^^)
6/18/12 reply
Yeah, it's great! So far, Sunny's been the perfect little pup! :)
6/18/12 reply
We named her Sunny! Isn't it a cute name?
6/18/12 reply
For everyone curious about my new puppy, here's all the info! As I mentioned below she's a breed called a Daisy Dog, which is small and hypoallergenic. Our puppy's name is Sunny, and she's currently 9 weeks old -- and a teensy 2 pounds 15 ounces! So far, she's doing SUPERB at adjusting to her new home and has taken to the family perfectly :)

I posted a picture of her on the Chapel facebook page, which you can click on above! She's adorable.
6/16/12 reply
What a cute dog! I like her name too.
6/16/12 reply
I'm glad you like the name! We picked it out very carefully.
6/18/12 reply
AWWW! I'll have to take a look!
6/16/12 reply
and she fits her name too! AWESOME! I'm so happy for you; I have three dogs and I can't imagine not having them, so I'm happy you can finally get one <3333
6/16/12 reply
What are your dogs' names, and what breeds are they? And ISN'T SHE SO CUTE? Sunny is super adorable, I'm really enamored of her...
6/18/12 reply
My dogs are Kiki, Emmy, and Mr. Sparky. My dad named the last one after an electric company he saw n a commercial XD
6/18/12 reply
Oh, and Kiki and Emmy are Shih Tzus, and Sparky is a Brussles Griffon.
6/18/12 reply
Oh my gosh, I LOVE Shih Tzus! I had someone mistake Sunny for a Shih Tzu the other day, but she doesn't look very similar to them...
6/18/12 reply
YAY! You did say you were Dr.Doolittle so I'm glad that Dr. has an animal now!!!
coco 6/18/12 reply
Yes, I'm very happy! She's my first pet ever, besides some short-lived fish I had in kindergarten! I love dogs so much, so this is a dream!
6/18/12 reply
just get ready to be able to get up early and give Sunny her walkies. ;-)
6/18/12 reply
No problem, I'm the one in charge of all her training and while she can't take walks yet, waking up for her schedule has been going perfectly.
6/18/12 reply
I'm not that kind of Dr. how ever. ^^;;;

but i've had my current dog for nearly 12 years, and she is a good dog.
6/18/12 reply
Are you a REAL doctor? or is that just your name? Oh and Emma said she was DR.Doolittle!
coco 6/18/12 reply
all i will say for now i am NOT a medical doctor. I am not licienced to do surgery and what not. i do know some about medical topics however. that is all i will say about that for now.
6/18/12 reply
I hope you are mentally ready to be in it for the long haul with your new dog. A large breed dog rarely makes it past 10 years of life. I can say most small breed of dogs (like yours) can easily live well past 20 years or more if taken care well.

I have lived with pets nearly my whole life. I loved all of my pets. i hope you will love your Sunny with all your heart and be willing to make changes in how you live your life.

oh, wait... is Sunny your parent's pet, or yours Miss Emma?
6/18/12 reply
Sunny is the family's pet, but I'm her primary caretaker! And don't worry, I'm VERY ready to be in it for the long haul. Since I'm the one in charge of Sunny's feeding and training, I've already totally overhauled my usual sleep schedule in favor of hers, and have been a fanatic about feeding her and taking her out at the appropriate times. I don't really mind -- I find it intrinsically valuable.
6/21/12 reply
I have to agree that Rupert looks adorable when Chapel's dressed as Batman.

I don't recognize either of the other costumes, although the second one resembles Han Solo. :3
6/16/12 reply
And, might I add, Chapel looks just as adorable in the second panel as Rupert does in the first!
6/16/12 reply
I'm glad you like it! They both look pretty spiffy in their costumes, don't they?
6/16/12 reply
Huh, I never thought of that before, it DOES resemble Han Solo a little! It's funny because the two characters are totally different.
6/16/12 reply
Hey guys, Emma will respond later today. Right now, she is on a plane bringing home a new puppy!
6/15/12 reply
WAIT! WHAT!?!? A puppy? Mrs. Marie, you must tell us more! why is Miss Emma on a plane and where did she get it as well as why is she getting a puppy? i thought you were allgeric to dogs.
6/15/12 reply
Omigosh! That's great!
6/16/12 reply
YES, I'm very excited about it!
6/16/12 reply
Mrs. Marie I thought your husband was allergic!
coco 6/16/12 reply
We bought a little dog that is hypoallergenic. It's called a daisy dog and she had to go to Detroit to get it.
6/16/12 reply
That's a nice compromise!
coco 6/18/12 reply
My dad's the one who's allergic, but otherwise you have a very good memory! :D
6/16/12 reply
Aww! Coming from where? What kind of puppy?
6/16/12 reply
My mom answered this below, but: we got a special small kind called a Daisy Dog which is hypoallergenic, because my dad is allergic. The breeder for the special breed is in Detroit, so we went there!
6/16/12 reply
I looked them up and went on her website...the dogs seemed really adorable, even though the breeder did seem a tad bit...protective, I guess.
Best wishes with your new puppy! TELL US HOW CUTE IT IS
6/16/12 reply
If she's not Ginny Weasley, I think I'll die XD
6/15/12 reply
YOU SHOULD DRAW IT, that is a fantastic idea!
6/16/12 reply
right now, I'm not even going to try to guess what Chapel will cosplay as. i want Miss Emma to surprise me. besides, i already guessed chapel would be in a batman suit. >)

oh yea, I really like Rorschach (from Watchmen) costume. on general dislikes, i don't like all the spandex based costumes.
6/15/12 reply
Yes, you did guess the Batman one! I'm not totally familiar with Rorschach's costume, but I agree with you on the spandex costumes not being great.
6/16/12 reply
awww! Rupert looks so cute in the first panel!
I like the downton abbey poster :)
6/15/12 reply
Wow, I'm so glad you understood the poster! And yes, Rupert as Robin is adorable!
6/16/12 reply
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