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HAPPY EASTER! We couldn’t just let Easter go by without celebrating, could we? And of course Chapel’s as stylish as ever when it comes to how she celebrates…I find it pretty funny how in this one Chapel is sort of a “Sassy Easter Bunny” instead of her usual cheerful self! Well, I suppose having to hide and find one’s own Easter eggs will do that to a person! We don’t really celebrate Easter at my house, even just for the candy. I wish we at least did Easter egg hunts though, so maybe I’ll have to take a page from Chapel’s book and hide (and find) them myself.

How do you guys celebrate Easter? Have you ever had to do what Chapel’s doing and shoulder a lot of the holiday burdens yourselves? Let’s chat below!
4/11/12 reply
I also had the horrid "pleasure" of an easter egg hunt where all the eggs were in PLAIN VIEW...... Which is completely MAD if you want children to be happy.........
4/11/12 reply
oh, well.. that's too bad. They should hide them so that you can see them, but at the same time make it more fun, but I guess when you're with younger kids, if you WERE anyway, you'll come to that result..
4/11/12 reply
Happy Easter!
4/8/12 reply
Thanks so much! You too!
4/8/12 reply
Thanks for giving us who were at the live stream such a great time, Emma!
4/7/12 reply
I'm SO glad you guys had fun. I'll probably do it again some time!
4/8/12 reply
Yeah, you must! It was SO FUN. BTW, did you ever get around to draqwing your lion boy? Love the new Vetty ;)
4/9/12 reply
Yes, harry potter does pwn al. Whoever that is.
4/9/12 reply
WAit, a second ago it said "Harry POtter PWNS AL." where did that go lol
4/9/12 reply
Wait, I'm a bit confused...
4/9/12 reply
Ok, so I typed in my nickname wrong to say "Harry Potter PWNS AL".
But then, I typed the other comment with my nickname correctly, and it fixed the other one!!! HUH!
4/9/12 reply
Oh, I hate when it does that! I like, forget to put in my nickname, then I write ANOTHER comment telling you that it was me, and then my name gets FIXED! I'm like, WHAT'S UP WITH THAT!!!!
4/10/12 reply
4/10/12 reply
I know, it's SUPER not cool when it happens!
4/10/12 reply
Oh, that's just how the website works. In order to make it more convenient for you, if you change your nickname, the website will go back and change all your past entries. So if you leave a comment where you forget to put your nickname, just leave another comment somewhere else and the original comment will be fixed with your nickname. :D
4/10/12 reply
Okay, thanks for clarifying that. Oh and you were comepletely right about my nickname Emma
4/11/12 reply
Oh thanks I'm glad you like it! No I didn't end up drawing my lion boy, but I'm hoping to do it sometime this week.
4/10/12 reply
I can't wait till the live stream!
4/7/12 reply
Me neither...I'm literally just waiting for four. :D
4/7/12 reply
Yay! It comes on pretty soon
4/7/12 reply
Come on over, I'm already there!
4/7/12 reply
Oh my gosh, I'm so charmed that you guys were waiting so eagerly for the livestream to start! I will DEFINITELY do it again, then!
4/8/12 reply
Was Chapel forced to wear that costume or did she choose to?
4/7/12 reply
She chose to herself! I don't think her parents would make her wear something like that...
4/8/12 reply
Well, then was Rupert forced to wear his costume? Just wondering... he doesn't look too happy..
4/11/12 reply
Seems Chapel's parents won't bother with those sillies anymore!

Our Easters have always been the same: wake up on Sunday morning, find a basket (or a simple plastic bag, for the older ones) full of candy. Then it's into our "Easter outfits" (as we always call the new outfits we sometimes buy) and off to the special Easter church service.
And then the next week or two, we pig out on all our chocalate. LOL

Oh yes, Chapel does look rather adorable in her costume! (:
4/7/12 reply
Oh, I'm glad you like the strip and Chapel's costume! That sounds like a lovely Easter tradition, it must be so much fun to do that with your family!
4/8/12 reply
I like this one!!!! I don't think I've had to do anything like that that Chapel had to do.
4/7/12 reply
Ha ha, that's probably a good thing! And I'm glad you like the comic so much.
4/8/12 reply
[EDIT] HEY GUYS! Tomorrow (Saturday) I’ll be livestreaming again. I won’t be working on Chapel this time, but instead I’ll be doing three things: 1. Working on some personal artwork, 2. Taking requests, so you can tell me what to draw and I’ll draw it for you! And 3. Doing little tutorials/demonstrations of how I draw certain things, depending on interest. Basically we’ll all hang out and you can watch me draw in real time, while I sing along badly to my music and everyone chats off to the side.

THE LIVESTREAM WILL START AT 1 PM WEST COAST TIME, 4 PM EAST COAST. It’ll go on for at least one hour, but after that no guarantees! So if you want to come it’s best to come at the time we start.

Just GO HERE at 1 pm/4 pm tomorrow and we’ll have fun times livestreaming!
4/7/12 reply
I'm definitely coming! Count me in! :D
Katherine 4/7/12 reply
4/7/12 reply
COUNT. ME. IN. :) I'm so excited!
4/7/12 reply
Oh my gosh I'm so glad you guys were all able to come! I had a blast drawing with you guys again.
4/8/12 reply
That's 3 pm here, hope I can make it!
4/7/12 reply
YAY more live stream fun!
HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE even though I dont celebrate it...teehee ;)
4/6/12 reply
Wait did she do this on live stream ?
4/7/12 reply
Yup, I did! Only it looks different now because I added in the tulips afterwards....I also think I might've done it before you showed up.
4/8/12 reply
On the subject of livestream I was thinking I might do another one tomorrow...would anyone be up for it? It wouldn't be Chapel, just personal drawings and you guys can request I draw things or I can show you how to draw certain things....I guess.....
4/6/12 reply
what time??? I will be there!
4/6/12 reply
Please Please TELL ME when it is!!!! I would love to have more live stream fun!!!!
4/7/12 reply
Okay! I guess since people are interested, I'll be doing it! I'm going to start it at 1pm west coast time, so 4 pm for you east-coasters, and probably continue for at least an hour! I'll edit in the info in the strip description above, along with a link for where to go!
4/7/12 reply
Okay! I'll totally try to be there! Thanks!
4/7/12 reply
  (| |)
(\(^*^)/) < Happy Easter
   \ /     Everyone!!!!
4/6/12 reply
And of course, it got messed up...
Here don't pay attention to that mess of a bunny up there:
(| |)
4/6/12 reply
I can't do ANYTHING RIGHT!!!! :(
4/6/12 reply
BTW love the bunny costume, she looks quite adorable in it, where as Rupert looks really annoyed...
4/6/12 reply
thankfully i have never been in one, but have any of you been in a bunny suit like Chapel is in?
4/6/12 reply
No, but have you ever watched "Christmas Story"? because that kid ended up in one!
4/6/12 reply
No, I haven't. If it's about Christmas, why would the kid be wearing a bunny suit?
4/10/12 reply
Because his Aunt Clara made it for him, and his mom totally loved it and made him try it on..
4/11/12 reply
No way, I don't think I'd ever wear something like that! A bunny suit...that's a strange thing to wear...
4/8/12 reply
It's not turning out because it won't allow for so many spaces, that's always bugged me on different websites. :(
4/6/12 reply
Oh... Thanks!!! :)
4/6/12 reply
It's okay, we fixed it! Now we can have bunnies and emoticons galore!
4/8/12 reply
okay umm,
(| |)
4/9/12 reply
not quite it seems
4/10/12 reply
4/10/12 reply
My dad will have to go in and manually fix it, I think...Sorry!
4/10/12 reply
Oh, it's totally fine..
4/11/12 reply
No bunnies today... :((((
7/6/12 reply
This year, for my brother's Public Speaking course, he has to do a community project and give a presentation about it. He has chosen to have an Easter Egg hunt for the local private Elementary school, all funds to go there.
Yesterday I boiled 300 eggs for five hours. The fridge is really egg smelly now. I hope all goes well.
Miles 4/6/12 reply
Oh WOW that's a lot of eggs! That's a really sweet community project that your brother is doing, too. It's so nice that you're helping him out!
4/8/12 reply
Yes, when i as a young boy, my parents did hide Easter eggs for me and my brother to find. it was a lot of fun to my younger self.

To Miss Emma's parents, i am bit disappointed that you did not do an Easter egg hunt with young Emma (or take her to a bigger open invite egg hunt). It would have been worth your while.
4/6/12 reply
oh, as for what i do now. I go to sun rise service at my church then we have a massive breakfast buffet also at my church after wards.

... then go back home after that and sleep for a couple of more hours. ^^;;
4/6/12 reply
Actually, according to my parents, they did do easter egg hunts with me when i was really young, I just can't remember it. The only reason we celebrated Easter at all was for the chocolate, though. Your Easter celebrations sound really fun!
4/8/12 reply
I have pictures to prove we did do Easter egg hunts with Emma and her friends and filled them full with trinkets! Check facebook later today; she will post a pix of the lovely Easter basket I made her (missing the candy she already ate).
Marie 4/10/12 reply
Ah, thank you for correcting my misunderstanding Mrs Marie.
4/10/12 reply
Ha! so true... I usually have a big (no, huge) breakfast and then I have an egg hunt with my friends, after that I eat whatever is inside the eggs. I just ordered some stuff off your store and I was wondering how long it takes to ship. thanks
4/6/12 reply
Yeah! Today's Easter. Happy Easter Everyone! Poll: Do you still put out baskets for the Easter bunny?
a) yes
b) no
c) sometimes yes, sometimes no
4/8/12 reply
4/8/12 reply
actually I never did
4/11/12 reply
Baskets out for the Easter Bunny? Well for me it's no, I never even heard of that tradition!
4/8/12 reply
Hi! It depends on where you are, but I believe the shipping takes about a week for normal shipping. Let me ask my parents and I'll get back to you because I'm not sure how long it takes! Thank you so much for ordering. Your easter traditions sound lovely too!
4/10/12 reply
Thank you. My stuff came! I LOVE jam days!!!
4/14/12 reply
I forgot to say goodnight to you.
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