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This strip was inspired by a similar rainy walk I took after my squash lesson one day! Unlike Chapel, however, I went on the walk voluntarily to get inspiration for this week’s strip (and to buy some snazzy nail polish). I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not very fond of the rain. I’m sure we’ve all had a similar experience as Chapel when we get caught in the rain at the wrong time – and all we can do is imagine ourselves at home in front of a cozy fire!

On another note, one of you requested I make a new process video over at my tumblr, and I did! I filmed the entire process of creating this strip and will be editing it together into one of my time-lapse process videos. PLEASE check back later this evening to watch the video, which I’ll post right here in the comments section once I’ve finished it! I did something extra-special when filming this one.

Have any of you guys ever been caught out in the rain at an inopportune moment? Share your rain horror stories below, I really want to hear them! And don’t forget to check back for the video later this evening.
Tomorrow is coming!!!! Can't wait to see the new comic..... although I don't think really anybody can ever wait....
3/9/12 reply
I am a bit confused with all the words and stuff.... sorry, I usually check like a couple of times every day, but I don't think I have really caught up with all these conversations.....
3/8/12 reply
GUYS! I need your help! I submitted three pieces of art for the Teen Voices February Love contest and they selected all three as finalists! BUT, here's where you guys come in! The only way I can win is if people vote for my artwork. To do that, you can become a fan of Teen Voices Magazine and then "like" my artwork. Thanks so much! My art is the first three pieces in the album! Vote here!
3/8/12 reply
Hi Emma! :P
Katherine 3/8/12 reply
Hi! Do you have a facebook? Would you mind voting for me? The complete rules are at the link I sent. Thank you!!
3/8/12 reply
Haha! Actually you just added me on Facebook I believe!!! :P (I'm not sure if it's you though :/)
Katherine 3/8/12 reply
OH that was you? Okay, yeah. Warning though I don't do anything on Facebook except repost drawings when tumblr is down.
3/8/12 reply
Me with black glasses? Yep that's me! Ok it's fine! I like looking at your drawings! :P
Katherine 3/8/12 reply
I'm also following you on twitter! (I feel like a stalker :( )
P.S. I'm NOT some crazy person! hehe
Katherine 3/8/12 reply
I don't have FB, but I love your drawings! Good luck!
3/8/12 reply
Thank you! :D
3/8/12 reply
I saw on your tumblr! I really, really, REALLY (times like 100 million) want to vote, but I don't have a Facebook. Which is stupid, because I'm old enough to have one. But my parents won't let me :/
3/8/12 reply
Aww, that's a shame! Well thanks anyway! And oh my gosh, you should totally spam my askbox whenever you visit my tumblr, it's fun to get messages over there!
3/8/12 reply
3/8/12 reply
Oh, crap, I almost forgot that Tumblr's down :((((
I'll spam it tomorrow XD
3/8/12 reply
YES! And I know tumblr's down it annoys me so much...whenever it's down I always just end up slinking over to my personal Facebook and posting stupid drawings there.
3/8/12 reply
3/8/12 reply
3/8/12 reply
Whoops, that was my fault! It's fixed now.
3/8/12 reply
3/8/12 reply
Oh well u never know what you're going to get when you use an iPad...
3/8/12 reply
3/8/12 reply
Quite true...
3/9/12 reply
I don't have facebook account. excuse me, but i feel the world does not need to know everything that i do. I'm paranoid enough as is.
3/8/12 reply
Okay, okay, I wasn't asking to know all your personal info! Just asking you to help me out! :D
3/8/12 reply
I'm guessing that i can't vote if i don't have a facebook account, right?

on a side note, i feel that far too many people are way too tied into the web with facebook, myspace, twitter, and others is that it is ruining our in real life relationships and skills. far too many people post silly, stupid, and FAR worse comments and pics that wind up coming back to haunt them later.

i wonder how many of you can just let go of the internet for how long (other than checking in chapel comics, however.)
3/8/12 reply
Aw shucks Emma! I don't have a Facebook account either but I wish with all my heart I could vote!!!!
3/9/12 reply
Me too. :(
4/20/12 reply
Note To Self: Reading Catching Fire's jabberjay scene (in which Katniss and Finnick run for the pseudo-voices of their loved ones. Prim and Annie) induces crying. Who knew?
3/6/12 reply
Before I start Mockingjay again, I just want to know this:
Who else here wishes that the third Hunger Games book never really happened????
I know I do...
R.I.P. Peeta Mellark's cute, untarnished, de-Capitolized brain ;_;
3/7/12 reply
OH MY GOSH!!! I LOVE The Hunger Games!!!! I can't wait for the movie to come out!!! By the way, Emma, do you know The Hunger Games Series?!?!? It's really good! (Harry Potter PWNS ALL, maybe you shouldn't tell what happens in the book, it kind of takes away the surprise for the people reading the book.) :/ Just Saying! :P
P.S. Yes R.I.P. Peeta's mind :'(
P.P.S Can't wait for it to be March 23rd!!!!
Sorry for writing this long comment! :P
Katherine 3/8/12 reply
3/8/12 reply
Oh my gosh I love the Hunger Games and Harry Potter as well! I'm taking off from school for 2 weeks to do a LOT of work for Chapel so going to see THG movie will be my treat! My mom, my best friend, and I are all gonna go see it together. My mom and I love Peeta of course, but my best friend -- that traitor -- thinks Gale is way better.
3/8/12 reply
*shocked face*
Yay you and your mom :D
Lucky you, I have to go to school that day so I am going with one of my best friends to see it at 7 on the 23rd.
But she's not Team Peeta or Team Gale. The only person she loves from any book series (or at all, for that matter) is Severus Snape, even though she's only fourteen XD
3/8/12 reply
so much fangirl-ing! it's over 9000 on the scouter!!!!
3/8/12 reply
GO TEAM PEETA!!!! Yay! :P I LOVE The Hunger Games!!!! :D
Katherine 3/9/12 reply
Hi Emma!
I've seen your work in Stone Soup, but never knew about this website- until now! Chapel is hilarious, and it's impressing how much effort you put into each strip. Keep up the good work!
PS- Do you have any advice for aspiring teenage writers?
3/6/12 reply
Love your nickname! As you can tell by mine, I am overly obsessed with Harry Potter.
And Hunger Games.
I wish my last name would be Mellark-Weasley.
I married George Weasley, BTW (I'm obsessed with the twins <333333)
3/6/12 reply
Ha! I totally love the nickname!I am kinda wondering if I shoul hange my nickname to a mor Harry Potter like name...but I might not just to keep out of the confusion!
3/7/12 reply
I also have seen that you've made new cards for the shop! Cool!
3/6/12 reply
Thanks, I had a ton of fun making them! I'm glad you're checking out the shop, too -- that's really helpful!
3/8/12 reply
3/6/12 reply
3/5/12 reply
THAT'S SO AWESOME!!!! (\(^_^)/) Nice job! Must be kind of tiring after a while though... Great work! Now I know how you make these comics! Yay! Haha :P
Katherine 3/5/12 reply
:D saw it on your Tumblr YOU ROCK SO HARD
3/5/12 reply
By the way, who's "The Director"???
Katherine 3/5/12 reply
It's Emma, I believe! Awesome job! Now we know how you drew it! \(^.^)/
3/6/12 reply
Oh, are you using a Wacom tablet? Can you tell me how to make it do what you want without having to fight with it????
4/2/12 reply
So you are doing all of this off a Laptop, drawpad, and an Iphone Emma? O_o
3/5/12 reply
I draw my comics just using a tablet and laptop, yeah! I only used my phone to film the video! :D
3/8/12 reply
Dang! When do have time to do homework and stuff?
Kuromi 3/14/12 reply
I bet this video is worth the wait!
3/5/12 reply
Here you go, I put it up last night!
3/5/12 reply
no video? :(
3/5/12 reply
Editing it right now, but when you're trying to speed up 4+ hours of footage iMovie can be a tad slow. Patience!
3/5/12 reply
Yes! Yes! Yes! I just really, really want to see this video since you said it was special.....
3/5/12 reply
It's up, I put it up last night!
3/5/12 reply
I have a question Emma! What's squash practice? PLEASE REPLY!!!! =)
3/4/12 reply
Squash is a sport played with racquets in square, indoor courts. You can Google it for more info! Anyway, Chapel is wearing the special outfit you need to play squash, and she was just practicing the sport. That's what squash practice is!
3/4/12 reply
This is definelty by far my favorite one, when you're sure one thing will happen, but a whole nother does! Just out of curiosity, what is your favorite book?
3/4/12 reply
I'm so glad you like the comic! And hmm...I love books WAY too much to pick an absolute favorite, but here are SOME of my favorites off the top of my head: "Jacob Have I Loved" by Katherine Paterson, "The True Meaning of Smekday" by Adam Rex, "The Orphan's Tales" by Catherynne Valente, "Asterios Polyp" by David Mazzuchelli, "1Q84" by Haruki Murakami, "The Chosen" by Chaim Potok, "The Name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco, The "One Piece" series by Eiichiro Oda, "The Graveyard Book" by Neil Gaiman, the "Discworld" series by Terry Pratchett...I'm sure I'm missing a TON, but those are just the first few that sprung to mind!
3/4/12 reply
I have never read any of those books...
3/5/12 reply
Ditto; all I read is Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, and the Heroes of Olympus. And possibly Maximum Ride...we'll have to see.
And this is not because I'm year I'll be out of middle's just I like fiction XD
3/5/12 reply
Those books I listed are fiction, too! And I've read all of those series you listed and love them as well!
3/5/12 reply
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I love this one!!! Poor Chapel!!!! Squash lessons, eh? Cool!!!! Sounds like fun!!!! Squash is a sport, right???
3/4/12 reply
Yes, Squash is a sport! It's not very well known in the USA, but it's very fun! You should look it up!
3/4/12 reply
Doing okay on that video Emma? Just wondering.......
3/4/12 reply
Yeah, I'm really busy tonight, if you guys'll be a bit more patient it should be up this weekend.
3/4/12 reply
sure no prob! Just really excited for it! it should be great!
3/4/12 reply
Thanks so much! I'll try to do it as soon as possible!
3/4/12 reply
i can't wait for it! do you think you'll have it by today?
3/4/12 reply
holy cow 50 comments already wow i once got caught in the rain walking home from school the wrong way i actually passed the school on my way back and by the time i got home it had stopped raining also what video?
Yarin 3/3/12 reply
Did you read the commentary? It's the video mentioned there. And yeah, that's tough!
3/4/12 reply
Oh dear... But great strip!

You say you want to hear rain horror stories? You sure? All right....
So I take gymnastics classes, and I used to wear shorts and a t - shirt to them. So once it was raining out, and I was being a really stupid person and still wearing shorts and a t - shirt. I was really cold, but they worked us so hard at class that it didn't really matter in the end.
3/3/12 reply
Oh well..... oh yeah, once I was in Disneyland and it was raining (like I mentioned in one of my comments below). I was, however NOT wearing my rain boots so my sneakers got really wet. Then, we went on one of the rides and my seat was wet, so, my pants got wet. Luckily, I didn't have too long until we went back to our hotel room. :D
3/3/12 reply
That happens to me ALL THE TIME, because I don't own any rainboots and my sneakers are made out of canvas so they get soaked super easily. Man, I'm cringing just READING everyone's rain stories!
3/4/12 reply
Wow, that's rough! I always wear a t-shirt and shorts when it's raining, though -- you don't get as wet when you do that! XD
3/4/12 reply
It's only Saturday and there is 43 comments not including this one!
3/3/12 reply
44 not including this one! :P
Katherine 3/3/12 reply
haha! ;p
3/3/12 reply
Now it's at 56! :D
3/4/12 reply
Now it's 93 not counting this one! :P
Katherine 3/5/12 reply
Anyone for another round of random sentences?
3/3/12 reply
Umm, did the video go up or did I miss it?
3/3/12 reply
Ah, it's actually taking longer than expected to edit, so it should be up tomorrow. I'm doing some fancy split-screen effects with this one, but that also means double the work to time lapse and edit it! :D
3/3/12 reply
Oh no problem! So, about what time and how long will it be up? I DO want to see it!
3/3/12 reply
That was me, Miss L.S.P by the way....
3/3/12 reply
Okay I am truly sorry, but do not pay attention to that comment above this one....
3/3/12 reply
Okay then!! Yeah, I'm not sure when it'll be up since I didn't actually manage to get it done today...I've been super busy this weekend and homework kind of takes precedence over videos...
3/4/12 reply
Awww I love the rain :D

At least...generally...when it doesn't flood my house...>:C I thought Australia was meant to be dry, but no, we get bushfires AND floods, the best of both xP

Often I actually quite enjoy walking in the rain, if it isn't too cold/windy (and I don't get caught in a white shirt...xP). It can be a little annoying if I get soaked on my way to work/uni though!

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the video!!
3/3/12 reply
Oh wow, you live in Australia? That's so great! And the video will be up soon, hopefully!
3/4/12 reply
Haha the comments are funny! ^_^ Good job Emma! Nice! (By the way, is that Chapel's mom in the picture in the third box???) :P I also really like the way you drew the fire!!! Lots of detail!!! (Oh, and the raindrops on the window are so cool!)
Katherine 3/3/12 reply
Oh and I LOVE the rocking chair!!! :P :)
Katherine 3/3/12 reply
Thanks so much!
3/3/12 reply
It's not her mom, it's a relative of hers! See, he has a beard :P And thanks so much, the rain and the fire were super fun to do!
3/3/12 reply
Oops! I didn't see the beard haha! XD
Katherine 3/3/12 reply
Could you please explain squash to me????
3/3/12 reply
Squash is a game you play with racquets in a square indoor court, and you hit small rubber balls with them! It's hard to explain but REALLY fun.
3/3/12 reply
How did you desighn this site? How do you come up with these jokes EVERY WEEK?
3/2/12 reply
My dad designed the site for me! And I usually don't have too much trouble coming up with ideas each week...I don't know, I don't find it difficult! XD
3/3/12 reply
Psh, I can't even picture my dad turning a computer on, let alone designing a website. :P
3/3/12 reply
What really? Here in the Bay Area EVERYONE uses computers.
3/4/12 reply
(pokes Emma) Update your bio page here on your website. I'll keep on poking you until you do.
3/2/12 reply
Oh whoops um I'll get on it!
3/3/12 reply
i see you have updated it. thank you.
3/3/12 reply
3/3/12 reply
3/2/12 reply
Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it!
3/3/12 reply
HEY, Chapel's actually wearing something slightly different-- and SHOES! LOL Poor Chapel, best not imagine the fire at that moment or you'll feel worse.

Well, let's see. A few years ago my family went to the zoo. Nice, pretty day, enjoying the animals. We were searching for the elephants (note: WE COULDN'T FIND THEM) and BOOM! A thunderstorm hit. So we found a little cabin by the path (don't know why the heck it was there) and hid under the porch with a few other people until the storm passed. Yeah, I love storms, but that was not particularly fun. .-.
3/2/12 reply
I HATE thunderstorms.....
3/2/12 reply
I just get really freaked out by all the noise and such......that's all
3/2/12 reply
When i get annoyed enough by a thunder and lighting storm, i go outside and yell at Thor to cut it out. it doesn't always work however.
3/2/12 reply
That's funny! LOL
3/3/12 reply
it is also very true. i did indeed raged back at the storms over head.
3/4/12 reply
That's amazing. XD
3/2/12 reply
oh the stories i could tell you of other things i did. ;-)
3/3/12 reply
Tell us some, tell us some!
3/4/12 reply
some of things I did i can't tell you till you're older. ^^;;;;

others things will tell, I'll do so as best as i can tell in this format.

but what would you like to hear from me Miss Emma?
3/4/12 reply
^^;;;; reminds me of a Chinese dragon. ^.^
3/5/12 reply
I prefer appearing as a Western type of Dragon, that or as a Norse Dragon. those are badass and hardcore!

... why yes, i do know of dragons. want to hear about them?
3/5/12 reply
3/9/12 reply
Dragons are more wide spread than you think. they appear in just about every major culture group in one variant or another. I have a feeling that early humanity saw them in the flesh long ago. They kept their memory alive in myths and tales. Where they went is any one's guess. I would like to think that they are in a suspended animation sleep far away from us.

I also happen to know of a place not too far from me called "Dragon Fang Mt." it does look like the jaw line of a dragon. maybe some day i'll try to dig up some bones over there....or the real thing.
3/14/12 reply
Oh my gosh perfection.
3/3/12 reply
I'm working on it!
3/3/12 reply
We get them so rarely here in California that I always miss them!
3/3/12 reply
Oh no! That sounds really tough, what a scary thunderstorm... And Chapel's only wearing her special squash outfit, which she's worn before!
3/3/12 reply
Hm. I knew it was her squash outfit, but I don't remember seeing it before.

Yes. It was very tough. xD
3/4/12 reply
Aww.... poor Chapel!Has this ever happened to you Emma?
3/2/12 reply
I mean, you know, has your mom ever forgotten to pick you up?
3/2/12 reply
Oh yeah, and I have to Disneyland before where it was ALREADY raining. It was still a lot of fun though. The rides weren't very busy.....
3/2/12 reply
No, it's never happened to me! One time my parents were 30 minutes late to pick me up from school, but it wasn't raining so I just hung out with the extended aftershcool program kids.
3/3/12 reply
Oh dear, is chapel (or you miss Emma) made out of sugar then? You're not going to melt out there. Wellllll.... in my case, i might RUST if i don't keep the weather beater polish up. but that is another matter!

The rains where you are at Miss Emma must be aweful, but i know where i am at, they can be rather nice. I never have to worry about floods (i live up on a high hill) nor do i have have to worry about twisters either (again, the mountains stop them).
3/2/12 reply
It's not awful here...In fact, we actually get so little rain that whenever we DO get some I really make a stink about it. And in California twisters are nonexistent. XD
3/3/12 reply
Yeah cuz u live in the Bay Area right?
3/3/12 reply
3/4/12 reply
Me too! Cool!
3/5/12 reply
i did here you got a 4.0 earthquake this morning
3/5/12 reply
Second week in a row I'm the first to comment... must be because I'm an insane insomniac!
Well, I'm Australian and we had a drought for the 10 years starting from 2001 to 2011 Sure being caught out in the rain was unpleasant but it was rare and exciting like snow falling. In summer when the thunderstorms would come we'd go outside, sit on the porch and watch or dance in the relievingly cool rain.
Stikibunn 3/2/12 reply
it seems like you have a head start to getting a comment in before the rest of us.
3/2/12 reply
I will strike near a H I J K L M N O P liSed
3/4/12 reply
3/4/12 reply
well Miss Emma, it seems to me....

(puts on a pair of sunglasses)

He just couldn't spell it out.

3/4/12 reply
its in code. Whats another name for water? Unscramble the last word...
and Dr. Taxil Necrobane, its a GIRL!!!!
3/4/12 reply
You are truly one of the anonymous. you leave no name tag nor any other way to tell who you are. your gender is also equally vague, so my default thought is to set you as a boy. Prove me other wise.
3/4/12 reply
I am a girl, because my name is Josephine Simonne Readbi, and I live in California! Next to a Hollywood Star. FIGURE OUT THE RIDDLE!!!
3/11/12 reply
Oh, I know that riddle! It's H I J K L M N O, right? From H to O, or H2O. That's another name for water, right? And liSed can be unscrambled to Slide! I will strike near a water slide, it says. Huh? Um, anonymous, you are WEIRD. (Sorry, but you are.)

OH, and Emma, I'm new here and I caught up on all the comics! You are G-R-E-A-T! And the riddle is from the Boxcar Children. Do you read their books?
3/12/12 reply
I used to read those books when I was in kindergarten, but I don't read them anymore of course! What a strange riddle...I'm glad someone else figured it out, though, because I'm horrible at riddles.
3/12/12 reply
3/15/12 reply
Well given that California is 4 hours behind where I live, so did I.
3/9/12 reply
Ooh, you're Australian? I LOVE AUSTRALIA.
3/2/12 reply
Oh wow, that's a super long drought! Still, the thunderstorms sound very beautiful!
3/3/12 reply
I forgot to say goodnight to you.
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check out Emma T Capps new web comic SUNNY, The League of Fonts THE LEAGUE OF FONTS is where typefaces are born. Every time a font is created in the world, it manifests as a living, breathing, Font – human for all intents and purposes, but unable to age or die unless their typeface falls into disuse. They live together on the League of Fonts, which serves as a secret island hub, bustling corporation, and home. It’s a world full of its own internal intrigues like any office, and Times New Roman is its powerful CEO. He’s got a lot on his plate lately: planning the League’s famous Decennial party, struggling with modern technology, and hiding his embarrassing addiction to the Twilight movies. Times New Roman is confident he can keep everything under control…but what’s an old font to do when a young boy named Louis Pepping accidentally stumbles onto the secrets of the League? Find out every Wednesday!