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We haven’t had one of Chapel’s flights of fancy in a while, and I thought it would be neat to tie it into her iPod getting confiscated in last week’s strip. And really, when you’re walking through your house at night and no one’s up, who doesn’t feel like a spy? It was especially fun to draw Chapel and Rupert in their spy outfits, as well! The colors on Chapel’s suit are a reference to a certain fictional character with two hearts…can you guess who?

Anyway, I hope you guys liked this strip, and I’ll see you next week!
I need my weekly Chapel fix.
2/4/12 reply
Yeah Emma! Where is it!!!! It's Saturday! Well, if you are running late I guess that's okay as long as you have a reasonable purpose.........
2/5/12 reply
:( she's a day late....
2/5/12 reply
2/5/12 reply
calm down kids, she posted.
2/5/12 reply
Wahhh, sorry guys! I was at a class in LA and didn't get the comic up in time...thanks for being understanding though! I'm really sorry!
2/7/12 reply
I just realizes that Chapel looks like she can kick butt in those sunglasses ;)
2/3/12 reply
UGH I meant "realized".
2/3/12 reply
Ha ha, the evil autocorrect! If you're on your iPod or something you should totally go turn it off in system preferences. And yes, Chapel *can* kick butt in her glasses!
2/7/12 reply
..... I know it's her imagination, but she's still wearing shoes.....
2/3/12 reply
Well, I guess Chapel's a fashionista even in her fantasies!
2/7/12 reply
Hey Emma, I just reffered, like five of my friends to this site ;)
Hope you get five new fans!
1/30/12 reply
Oh wow, thank you SO much! That's incredibly sweet of you! :D Word-of-mouth is the best way for people to learn about Chapel!
2/2/12 reply
You're welcome SOOOO MUCH!
They're in love with Chapel in Wonderland (Part 2).
2/3/12 reply
I happen to adore that part too. ;)
2/4/12 reply
Wow, I'm glad you both like it! Harry Potter PWNS ALL, please tell your friends to leave a comment, it would really mean a lot to me! :D
2/7/12 reply
Watching Robin Hood: Prince of Theives.
Oh, Alan Rickman, how I love thee <3333333333
1/30/12 reply
Hmmm, I've never seen that! I should watch it!
2/3/12 reply
That IS a good movie, even for a Kevin Coster flix.

Just to let you know something some of you didn't know. Alan's First movie he ever stared in was the first "Die Hard" back in the 80's. He was 39 years old too! think about how old he is when he played snape.
2/3/12 reply
Maybe Die Hard was the first movie he starred in, but I know that Alan's first ever movie was Romeo and Juliet in 1978. He played Tybalt <3
I love him, he's so great.
actually, I'm gonna watch Truly, Madly, Deeply tomorrow ;)
2/4/12 reply
you go watch that, i'll watch "Sweeny Todd", "Quigley Down Under", and "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" for my Rickman fix.

oh yea, that was a TV movie, not a film movie so it doesn't count to me.
2/4/12 reply
Chapel: 2. Mom: 0.
1/29/12 reply
oh ho? Mom only needs to catch chapel once, and it's all over.
1/31/12 reply
Yes, well, you correctly predicted it! :D
2/8/12 reply
Sigh. Every time i scroll down my Favorites bar and lick on I feel like I'm greeting an old friend who I haven't seen in a while. Sigh. I love that site.
Chapel, too. It's great that you, Emma, clearly have a future as a writer/illustrator, and still take time to comment and hat with you fans. I really aspire to be a writer as well, as my drawings are definitely not as good as my writing ;)
YOU ROCK EMMA T. CAPPS! Loved ya ever since I read the first Stone Soup story of yours I saw.
1/29/12 reply
I meant to say "Every time I scroll down my favorites bar and click on JK Rowling's site, I feel like I'm greeting an old friend..."
Not fair!
Don't think I'm a creepo PLEASE that was a typo!
Eww. Who would ever post "lick" in a comment?!?!
1/29/12 reply
Don't worry, I don't think you are a creepo.....
1/29/12 reply
Cuz I'm not.
I just have a lot of typos ;)
1/29/12 reply
I know! What is up with that!? I mean, you should not be having so many typos! Ever!
1/30/12 reply
I type on my iPad sometimes...autocorrect kills me.
1/30/12 reply
Oh gosh...I hate autocorrect!
2/3/12 reply
Hmmm, that's strange that it would cut out part of your comment! Maybe you put a link in the comments? We don't display links for security reasons.
2/3/12 reply
Yeah, I think so....
2/3/12 reply
Ahhh, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This is such a wonderful comment, it really warms my heart to read things like this! <3 <3 <3
2/3/12 reply
Okay, I just wanna ask those Harry Potter fans out there..... Does anybody know what Dumbledore's full name is? Tee hee..... I know........ my dad says I'm a geek! ;p
1/29/12 reply
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, brother to Ariana and Aberforth, son of Kendra and Percival, and dear friend of Gellert Grindelwald.
Aren't we all geeks? ;)
1/29/12 reply
Yes!!!! ;p
1/29/12 reply
I can list all the horcruxes too! Now, let's see:
Harry Potter, the snake, the goblet, the diadem, the locket, the diary, and I think the ring that was killing Dumbledore's hand........
1/29/12 reply
Oh yes! The infamous Horcrux list! Only TRUE Potterheads can list the true eight Horcruxes ;)
1/29/12 reply
Yay! :)
1/30/12 reply
(watches the sight of the youngens geeking out in a good way) man, more things change, the more they stay the same.
1/31/12 reply
Ha ha! Taxil, it must be so fun for you to watch us fangirl all over the place...
2/3/12 reply
indeed it is.
A bit more to it. Seeing Miss Emma and everyone else in here gives me needed hope and happiness to this old man. the fun you all have gives me the resolve to keep getting back up and fight harder to help make the world a better place for you all than it would be other wise.

thank you all.
2/3/12 reply
Awww, that's the sweetest comment ever! That really made my day! Taxil, you're an integral part of the Chapel community. I don't know what we'd do without you! You really brighten up everyone's day when you comment. :D
2/8/12 reply
Oh, and I love the coat and tie and stuff over the black dress... and the hedgehog is the cutest accessory ever. ;)
1/28/12 reply
Thank you! And I know, Rupert is adorable. I think Chapel looks pretty cool in her suit -- maybe she should wear this ALL the time! :D
1/29/12 reply
Chapel's going to get in trouble... again... LOL!
1/28/12 reply
Hmmm...I hope not! We'll have to see if her mom finds out...
1/29/12 reply
Yay Rupert with tiny sunglasses so cute very good comic James bond rocks
1/28/12 reply
Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you like Rupert's sunglasses! :)
1/29/12 reply
Yay thanks for replying also lady gaga is gonna be on the Simpsons on either February 12th or 19th
Yarin 1/30/12 reply
I love this one! (Mostly because, you know, I love spy movies.) Connected strips are always so cool. And I love Rupert's sunglasses. Great job as always Emma :)
Paige 1/28/12 reply
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it!
2/7/12 reply
OH, OH!! kiwifruit I think you're right, the reference IS to Dr. Who, because she said, "...can you guess who?" Get it? WHO????
Nice job.
-Harry Potter PWNS ALL, who is still clueless about everything Dr. Who, but wishes to learn more!
1/28/12 reply
Like, I've watched Doctor Who and it's cool and all, but, it's also really creepy and after I watch some, I get really paranoid.........
1/28/12 reply
1/28/12 reply
Hmm, I don't know! I don't think it's creepy at all! You should give it a try!

And yes, Chapel's suit colors are a reference to the tenth Doctor from Doctor Who! :D
1/28/12 reply
Yay, Emma's commenting!
Maybe I will...if I can ever find it on my TV :D
I do know just a bit about the show from one of my copies of Guinnes World Records, they did a feature on Dr. Who last year, I think. So I know that Matt Smith is the new Doctor, and David Tennant was before him, and that the show has been on the air since 1963. Oh, and it's British and there are these things called Daleks that are machiney-robotish-type things.
My knowledge is limited ;)
1/28/12 reply
That's about right! David Tennant is my favorite Doctor, though. It's such a good show :D
1/28/12 reply
1/29/12 reply
YES! David Tennant rocks!
1/29/12 reply
David Tenant is my favourite Doctor :D Christopher Eccleston did a really good job as well.
1/30/12 reply
my favorite Doctor is either Tom Baker, David Tennant or Matt Smith. Also I just found the Chapel Chronicles TVtropes page... now I'm gonna end out running around that place all night...
2/1/12 reply
Oh my gosh...I can't believe you found that! Have fun! :D
2/3/12 reply
TVtropes? oh dear God! the black hole of the internet! if you get sucked in there, you'll never get out! O_o
2/4/12 reply
1/28/12 reply
The Doctor from Doctor Who is an alien, that's why he has two hearts! :D
1/29/12 reply
Whoa! Ok.......
1/29/12 reply
Doctor Who has always been an "Alien" to most modern humans. There IS an on going rumor that the race of "Aliens" that Doctor Who comes from is in fact the final product of Humanity when humans themselves reach the end and have spliced up their DNA and have built in scientific tweaks that basicly makes them into a whole new race.

But that Idea isn't cannon yet so don't worry about it.
2/4/12 reply
Wait...he's an ALIEN?!?!?!?!
1/29/12 reply
Oh, I'm not saying that you shouldn't watch it, I'm just sharing my experience. I think that you'll like it if you like Harry Potter.....
1/28/12 reply
I don't even know what or who James Bond is, but if it's anything like this strip it is really funny.
What profession does Chapel's mom work in?
1/28/12 reply
She's a doctor. I think Emma mentioned it a while ago........
1/28/12 reply
Yep, Chapel's mom is a doctor! And I actually haven't seen any James Bond films, but I don't think they have much humor... I could be totally wrong, though!
1/28/12 reply
Yeah, I think someone dies in all of those movies.
But who knows? I have never watched more than five minutes of one ;)
1/28/12 reply
Most of the Bond films have a fair bit of humour, but it's generally of the smart one-liner variety in a fairly serious thriller film. The quantity and type of humour varies quite a bit depending on who the actor was at the time: Daniel Craig's Bond (the latest films) is rather dark and serious, but in Roger Moore's time (our parents' generation) things occasionally got very daft.
Scott's Folly 1/30/12 reply
Haha, Hedge-E.
I have never watched a James Bond in my life, but still, it sounds funny XD
1/28/12 reply
Is it Doctor Who? I think I remember my brother telling me he had two hearts...xP

Oh Chapel you sneaky girl. I hope your music is worth the trouble you'll be in when your mom finds out! :P
1/28/12 reply
Yes, it IS the Doctor from Doctor Who! And yeah, Chapel's really going all out for a few piddly songs...
1/29/12 reply
ANNNND Chapel gets caught by her mom in in the next strip i bet.
1/28/12 reply
I wonder what her mom and dad look like...
I don't think they've ever been shown? Have they? I forget......
1/29/12 reply
Nope, they've never been shown! And if you want to, why don't you try drawing a picture of what you think they look like? I'd love to see it! You'll have to see if Chapel gets caught in the next strip or not...
1/29/12 reply
If we were to draw some fanart for you, how would you see it? Just curious!
1/29/12 reply
Well, you could email it to me: etc[at]chapelchronicles[dot]com. And you can email me anytime, too, if you just want to chat! Or, if you're on tumblr, tag it under "chapel chronicles" and I'll definitely see it! It would be AMAZING if you drew fanart! <333
1/29/12 reply
Sweet! Consider it done!!!!
1/29/12 reply
Check your inbox ;)
1/29/12 reply
2/4/12 reply
Wait... Yes they have. In the strip called Jenga war strategy!
2/4/12 reply
Right! It's not very clear though.....
2/5/12 reply
Ha ha! Even Chapel's parents can't stop the special bond between her and iPod! But, be careful, if you get caught, it might be taken away for even more time than the first.....
Ohe well, and note to Chapel's mom: Hide confiscated items in harder places. You don't know it , but Chapel is super sneaky!
1/28/12 reply
YES! Chapel's mom definitely needs to work on her hiding skills. I mean...a desk drawer? How unimaginative!
1/29/12 reply
I know! Seriously, right?! She probably should've hid it under her mattress or something........ Oh well, it's too late..........
1/29/12 reply
I agree with both of you. But a mattress is the only thing more cliche than a desk.
1/30/12 reply
Maybe in the freezer? :p Just Kidding!
1/31/12 reply
OMG, OMG!!! I totally luv Chapel!!! i read all the strips, so i'm, like, totally updated. Oh my gosh Chapel has an iPod!!! (i have a shuffle and a touch.) What songs does she have on it?
2/5/12 reply
You can probably bet on mostly Lady Gaga
2/5/12 reply
yeah...but that lady dresses craz-ee!!!
2/6/12 reply
The famous spy chapel-007 is on the hunt recovering stolen us technology. along with her sidekick hedge-E, shes infiltrated a top-secret weapons base. A Safe! cann it be be where shell find the stolen goods at last! So thats where my mom hid my confiscated iPod!
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