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When are you going to have the Chapel drawing contest? Please answer, you haven't commented in a while.
6/24/12 responder
Just wondering, why do you have free shipping for your Chapel items? I love it, but don't you have to pay to ship things out?
6/19/12 responder
EMMA! You haven't commented in a long time!
6/21/12 responder
I'm sorry, it's very hard to keep up with raising my puppy AND answering every single comment on this site! Yes, it does cost a small amount to ship things, but it's a courtesy I provide in exchange for you purchasing my work! :)
6/21/12 responder
Can we send "fan mail" to your P.O. Box? I love Chapel!
6/18/12 responder
Oh my gosh, I would absolutely ADORE that! My P.O. Box number is on the "Contact Us" button below, feel free to send whatever you'd like -- getting anything in the mail from my readers would be FANTASTIC!
6/18/12 responder
Awesome! Expect a letter soon!
6/18/12 responder
Ooh! I'll send something too!
6/19/12 responder
Me three!
coco 6/20/12 responder
Is there any way that we can preview the Chapel newsletter before we sign up for it? I want to see what it is like.
6/18/12 responder
Hmm...I'll have to think of a way I can get you a preview! If you'd like, you can shoot me an email, and I can forward you the latest issue of the newsletter so you can get a taste for what it's like!
6/18/12 responder
If you don't mind me asking, how did you create your comic book online?? i really want to make a comic book, but I can't find a format. Did you use Microsoft Word? Is there a certain website you use??
6/18/12 responder
6/18/12 responder
I didn't create my comic book online, and I'm sorry to say that there aren't any pre-made formats or websites I would recommend. Nobody uses Microsoft Word for their comics -- they most often use professional image editing programs such as Photoshop CS5, which is what I use. Of course, you can easily draw your comics all on paper as well. If you want more detailled tips, you can always send me an email!
6/18/12 responder
My dad has photoshop on his computer. How do you get photoshop cs5?
coco 6/20/12 responder
Coco, are you a girl or boy?
6/21/12 responder
Photoshop CS5 is just a version of Photoshop -- he may have that version, or another one, it doesn't make a difference!
6/21/12 responder
Hi Emma! I am a 10 year old writer, and my dream is to publish a book. How old were you when you published your first book? By the way you are so talented. Also, I LOVE STONE SOUP!!!!
6/13/12 responder
I've self-published various books -- at age 14 and 15, respectively. Self-publishing is the way to go in my opinion, as getting a publisher is a very difficult and arduous process at any age, but more so at a younger one. I got published in magazines starting at age 11, however, and continuing through to the present time period -- I've been published in about 25+ magazines multiple times so far.

If you want tips on publishing your work, feel free to email me! You can click the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of the page and I'll get back to you right away. :D
6/13/12 responder
Thanks so much! I'm going to send some of my writing to Stone Soup also!
6/13/12 responder
Hey Emma!! Are you making a season three of the chapel chronicles?
6/18/12 responder
Yes! Season Three is the season we're currently in -- there is a book of Seasons 1 and 2, and Season 3 just began!
6/18/12 responder
Awesome! Also, please have another Chapel drawing contest! I was a bit late for the one you had a while ago.
6/18/12 responder
Oops! I saw the comment that was made on "Super Hero of Scrubs" I'm totally interested!
6/18/12 responder
Also, is any of your work available at book stores? i.e. Barnes & Noble
6/13/12 responder
There are small comic stores that carry my work, but no Barnes and Noble type stores yet!
6/13/12 responder
I'll probably order your volume 1 book later this week! By the way, i love free shipping!!!!
6/13/12 responder
Oh, thank you so much! It's so flattering to hear that you're going to buy it! Also, I hope you keep commenting on my comics -- there will be a new one in two days, because there's a new one on this website every Friday!
6/13/12 responder
Woopie!!! 1 quick question... How do you get ideas for comics??? I want to start a comic book, but i'm terrible at thinking of funny things to say. Also, i just realized that on my computer my name came up as ella. Ooopps! I wonder what i did??
6/13/12 responder
Sorry for the late response! Unfortunately, it's hard for me to give tips on coming up with ideas for comics because I never have trouble with that. The best advice I can give you is read comic books you think are funny and listen to people in your life that you think are funny, and try to imitate the way they structure jokes! Not the jokes themselves, of course, but think about how they make things funny. Let me know if that helps!
6/18/12 responder
You could also create a graphic novel. That doesn't have to be funny!
coco 6/20/12 responder
Good advice!
6/21/12 responder
You took the dogs on bicycles from your Postcards poem, right?
5/12/12 responder
When did you start your comics?
4/12/12 responder
I love the Chapel vs. Fred comics. They are soooo funny!
3/16/12 responder
out of all your chapel cartoons which is you favorite Emma?
11/19/11 responder
I can't pick a favorite!
11/19/11 responder
Hi! You are an awesome artist, cartoonist and writer!!!!I love Chapel! Great job!
11/14/11 responder
Thank you SO much! I'm glad you like Chapel and my other work!
11/14/11 responder
You are really really good! I get Stone Soup and I have seen your illustrations they are wonderful!
3/26/12 responder
Hi! I just want to say that I love your Chapel comics! You are an amazing artist and writer! I found out about you through Stone Soup. Keep up the good work! =)
Katherine 11/12/11 responder
Oh, thanks so much! I'm flabbergasted by how many people came here from Stone Soup. I hope you keep reading!
11/13/11 responder
I will!!!=)
Katherine 11/13/11 responder
Yay! A new strip gets published every Friday, so you can check back then!
11/13/11 responder
Ok! Thank you so much!
Katherine 11/13/11 responder
No problem, and thanks for reading!
11/13/11 responder
You're welcome! :)
Katherine 11/13/11 responder
If you don't mind me asking, how long have you had this website?
11/14/11 responder
I've had it since March, but the design is a lot more polished now!
11/14/11 responder
That's cool!
Katherine 11/18/11 responder
Do you still get stone soup? I know it's probably not exactly your age level, but do you?
4/20/12 responder
Emma, I'm so glad you continued your wonderful short stories and illustrations online! To be honest, i think you are the best teen writer ever.
11/10/11 responder
Oh my gosh THANK YOU!!! This just turned my whole day around. The fact that you took the time to read my work and leave such a wonderful comment really means SO much to me. You have no idea! :)
11/11/11 responder
So Chapel Smith likes Lady Gaga? That's a pity, but expected for one so young. I suggest for her to try out Sarah Brightman, especially her album "Dive". Sarah can out sing Gaga 10 times! Also i suggest for her to try out the band "Nightwish", they are also very good too.
Dr. Taxil Necrobane 11/7/11 responder
For the record, I (personally) really dislike Lady Gaga! I'll definitely look into some of the other artists you've recommended.
11/7/11 responder
Who's Lady Gaga??????????
11/10/11 responder
A popular current singer who dresses up in the most outlandish costumes. I don't really like her, but Chapel (and my mom and most of my friends) do.
11/11/11 responder
She's all right. I mean I'm not HUGE fan but one or two of her songs are ok. Her outfits on the other hand...My goodness, the are crazy sometimes!
4/20/12 responder
Lady gaga would actually look pretty if she wore appropriate clothes... And a little less make-up.
6/13/12 responder
Chapel's dress is like her icon. like charlie brown's zigzag shirt in Peanuts!
11/4/11 responder
Yep! I wanted to give her a signature look that harkened back to classic newspaper strip characters like Charlie Brown.
11/4/11 responder
10/14/11 responder
Why meh?
10/17/11 responder
and why sauce?
not saying it's bad....can you imagine a world without sauce?!?!?!
1/17/12 responder
The mysterious "sauce" commentator will forever elude us...
1/17/12 responder

its alex
i love your art!!!!!!!!!
hi again
8/12/11 responder
Watson! FUILL! Hello once again, comrade! :)
10/17/11 responder
a) a creative artist
b) a talented author
c) an animal-lover, owner of 2+ pets
d) a science geek
e) a popstar in disguise
f) both a and b
g) c and b
PLEASE ANSWER!!! (Others can answer too. Oh, and I'm All of Above but d and e)
1/16/12 responder
I'm a, (somewhat) b, and c.
1/22/12 responder
Actually really all of the above exept d and e.
3/20/12 responder
All of the above exept D and E. I guess I could say same as Ginny Weasly fan.
4/20/12 responder
I'm probably a,b,c,and i guess 1/2 of d.
5/28/12 responder
sorry! i wrote the first one and did not see it.
5/28/12 responder
I'm b. That's pretty much it. Sort of a, i guess.
6/13/12 responder
I'm i guess a,b,c and sort of half g.
5/28/12 responder
ignore the comment above.
5/28/12 responder
I'm a, b, c (well, I am an animal lover, but I can't have pets because my dad's allergic), f, and g! Oh, and obviously e, of course :P
1/22/12 responder
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check out Emma T Capps new web comic SUNNY, The League of Fonts THE LEAGUE OF FONTS is where typefaces are born. Every time a font is created in the world, it manifests as a living, breathing, Font – human for all intents and purposes, but unable to age or die unless their typeface falls into disuse. They live together on the League of Fonts, which serves as a secret island hub, bustling corporation, and home. It’s a world full of its own internal intrigues like any office, and Times New Roman is its powerful CEO. He’s got a lot on his plate lately: planning the League’s famous Decennial party, struggling with modern technology, and hiding his embarrassing addiction to the Twilight movies. Times New Roman is confident he can keep everything under control…but what’s an old font to do when a young boy named Louis Pepping accidentally stumbles onto the secrets of the League? Find out every Wednesday!